Engage the Heart in Training
Great content is only half the story when it comes to designing great training events. We also have to engage people emotionally too! On 17th June 2024, we got together to explore how to do that.
Great content is only half the story when it comes to designing great training events. We also have to engage people emotionally too! On 17th June 2024, we got together to explore how to do that.
An exercise that can be used for individuals when coaching, but could also be used in small groups, to explore problem-solving, learning and overcoming obstacles. You could spend as little as 15 minutes on it, or up to an hour, depending on whether you use it as an idea sparker, or do more reflection and…
resources covering growth mindset
These mini videos have been curated and shared by Andrew Gibbons – there’s quite a range here looking at particular models, exploring specific ideas and examining different tools. TAKE A LOOK
What can learning professionals learn from learning at work week?
As trainers we know a lot of stuff: models, theories and psychology. But generally, our learners DON’T know it, and in most cases, they don’t need to. Using ‘correct’ terminology in training courses can sometimes be more of a hindrance than a help.
Sharon Bowman bought together lots of different principles from neuroscience and learning to bring us 6 Training Trumps. I talk about what they mean for training design in this Top Tip Video. But if you want a more scientifically robust – yet still quite simple – explanation THIS ARTICLE is worth checking out.
As training designers’ our job is to make the learning journey as easy as possible for learners. here are 3 practical tips to make that happen.