Engage the Heart in Training
Great content is only half the story when it comes to designing great training events. We also have to engage people emotionally too! On 17th June 2024, we got together to explore how to do that.
Great content is only half the story when it comes to designing great training events. We also have to engage people emotionally too! On 17th June 2024, we got together to explore how to do that.
Training design is a skill like any other – the more you do it the better you become at it. But what if you don’t do it that often? Is there a way to accelerate experience? I think so!
Learning alongside others – whether it’s skiing or designing training highlights lots of little improvements that may be missed if you just work alone or even if you follow a structured training path.
Collaborative working in learning and development is the perfect way to hone skills in the flow of work. Being part of a learning community has many advantages.