Learn why investing time and effort in the design phase, much like in making the Harry Potter films, is key
Training Design: Where the Magic REALLY Happens
Two sides of the same coin Having reflected on the Engage the Heart Event that I ran recently, I wondered
Training Design and Facilitation Skills
Great content is only half the story when it comes to designing great training events. We also have to engage
Engage the Heart in Training
There's a reason you need to put three times as much effort into training design as you do delivery -
Training Design: The Engine Room of great learning experiences
Discover the art of mastering training design through the unexpected lens of cheese-making. In our latest blog, we delve into
Mastering Training Design: Lessons from Cheese-Making
Like discovering a sneaky short-cut, ChatGPT can revolutionize your training design process saving you time and enhancing efficiency like never
Taking the Quicker Road: How ChatGPT Upgrades Training Design
How combining the latest technology with good training design practice can save you hours and make you thousands!
Never work evenings and weekends again!
Going back to basics isn't a sign of failure - it can make a huge difference when you are basically
Competence + Consistency + Confidence = Successful Training
How do you motivate yourself to design training in detail? here are some practical tips to help you to stay
Motivating yourself to design training
When learning and development professionals are expected to single-handedly transform the performance of a business and everyone in it, what
Handling Unrealistic Expectations in Learning and Development: A Practical Guide for L&D Professionals
Old fashioned materials like straw are still relevant today. So don't dismiss 'old' training content too quickly when designing training
What can straw teach us about training design?
How to make training and learning programmes engaging without resorting to gimmicks
Make training engaging
A full day event for busy L&D practitioners to learn, collaborate, be inspired and get stuff done!
The Training Design Festival June 2023
There is so much tech available to learning designers and training professionals, how do you know what's out there and
Technology in Training Design
We all know how important it is to conduct a learning needs analysis before beginning training design. But conducting that