This is a topic that comes up a LOT. It’s an area of training that’s clearly in demand as most VIP members are asked to create sessions to tackle this on a regular basis.
Here are some resources that might be helpful.
These articles on the Drama Triangle may be interesting. Get an explanation HERE and read how to escape it HERE.
Nice practical article providing a step-by-step guide to preparing for and having a difficult conversation
Article on how to handle criticism
HBR Article giving good GENERAL ADVICE to preparing for and holding a difficult conversation
- Radical Candor (Kim Scott)
- Fierce Conversations (Susan Scott)
- Successful Difficult Conversations (Sonia Gill)
- Crucial Conversations (Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, Emily Gregory)
Other resources
SBID is a handy model to use to help people learn to give feedback that may be difficult. Download the handout here.
Clare Samuels created the GUESTED model to help people to get it right. You can download a description of that HERE
Using Transactional Analysis is also a great way to approach having challenging conversations or handling difficult people. These resources may be very useful. There’s also a summary of EGO STATES here.
The Ladder of Inference helps to explain why some situations can get escalated in our minds, and why some ‘molehills’ become mountains!
The Johari Window is also useful in helping to position why some feedback conversations may be difficult. Andonella Thomson shared a nice exercise to bring this to life, examining positive and negative aspects via the Johari/Nohari window!
Practical Tips for Receiving Feedback
COMPLETE SESSION: Power Hour Training Module on Handling Difficult People – remember to check out the latest VIP Discount code to get 20% off. Also available for Virtual Delivery.
COMPLETE SESSION: Power Hour Training Module on Managing Under-Performance which explores why people under-perform and the different ways to avoid having to have difficult conversations. Also available for face-to-face delivery.
COMPLETE SESSION: Not strictly to do with having difficult conversations, the Build Effective Working Relationships Module covers lots of useful concepts that help people to understand difference and why difficulties may occur in the first place. Again, check the latest VIP discount code to get 20% off. Also available for virtual delivery.
COMPLETE SESSION: VIP member Fiona Bryan VERY kindly shared this COMPLETE session that she created for a client. PLEASE use it as a reference guide and use parts of it (rather than in its’ entirety) and make sure that you remove logos and references to specific organisations. Thank you.
Helping people to understand the LADDER OF INFERENCE can also help them to tackle difficult or sensitive situations with confidence. This YouTube video explains it well.
Here’s a handy YouTube Clip by Kim Scott (Radical Candor) that you can use for yourself OR to send to participants to explain the concept as part of independent study before attending a session.
Useful video from HBR about how to give and receive feedback well – WATCH VIDEO
Round Table
In March 2022, a few of us got together to share our thoughts about content and approaches. Check out the video HERE.
ADD YOUR OWN RESOURCES Here’s a document that you can contribute to. It summarises some of the things we discussed at the round table, including a rough structure and possible content, as well as providing a place for you to add links to your own resources.