My son is a keen badminton player and he works hard at it.
Here he is practicing the same shot 100 times, so that when he needs to make that shot in a match, it will be instinctive and he’s more likely to get it right.
It’s not that others who HAVEN’T practiced that shot 100 times won’t be able to do it. They might. But the more practiced he becomes with this, and ALL of his shots, the more natural they become. The quicker he can select the exact right shot to make. He can also execute it with more confidence, as his technique has been honed through experience.
Training design is also a skill: a muscle that needs to be exercised.
The more you design training, the more tools, techniques and even content you have in your kit bag. You can design more quickly and with more confidence than someone who only designs from time to time.
If you design infrequently. the final quality might well be the same as someone who does it all the time. But when you’re under pressure to deliver against tight deadlines, or when time is money, delivering quality QUICKLY matters.
So what if you don’t have that experience?
Well, unlike badminton, you can use the experience of others to short-cut the process without compromising quality.
All you need is a generous community at your disposal. Chances are, someone has done something similar recently and will be willing share their experience.
Learn more about our VIP community HERE