How can you Copyright Learning?
There’s much more to creating an effective learning experience that creating good materials. As training designers, we need to consider the bigger picture, and not just the documents we create.
There’s much more to creating an effective learning experience that creating good materials. As training designers, we need to consider the bigger picture, and not just the documents we create.
Our July Lunch n Learn saw MS Office Maestro Shelley Fishel take us through some incredibly useful hints, tips and shortcuts to allow us to use PowerPoint and Word more efficiently and effectively. It’s definitely one you’ll want to watch more than once! WATCH NOW
Our Lunch n Learn Session on 24th April 2020 looked at how to create delegate materials that have the WOW factor. In particular, we looked at getting the best from Word and PowerPoint Using Canva for striking infographics, leaflets, handouts and even slides Alternatives to PowerPoint, including Flipcharts and Principles for great visual design….