I’m in Love! I have to admit that ChatGPT has changed my life as a training designer. For a start, it’s the first piece of technology I’ve ever found that you can speak to LIKE A PERSON (Take note printer! Up your game social media algorithms!) so it doesn’t feel like hard work.
But it’s free up so much time.
For most training designers I know TIME is the biggest enemy they have. It’s not that they don’t know, or can’t do, or don’t want to… it’s just that there are only so many hours in a day. Sadly training design is wholly under-estimated by everyone who doesn’t do it: They see the slides, they see the ‘fun’ activity, and they see you drawing out learning points as if by magic. It’s perhaps understandable that they think you can do all this with just a half-day to prep.
But we know that prep is very different to design – and my previous blog explains why.
And so design gets squeezed into pockets in between meetings, over lunch breaks or (perhaps more commonly) gets done in the evenings or at weekends. So how many unpaid hours do you do in a typical month?
How much are you NOT getting paid for that?
Wouldn’t you rather be spending your evenings and weekends recharging, or having fun?
And if you DO manage to incorporate it into the week, is the time you spend at your keyboard researching, drafting, writing truly appreciated? Generally L&D folk are judged on the time they spend training, coaching and facilitating. Most freelance trainers are paid solely on this, so not only is design time time they can’t afford, it’s also directly costing them money.
And what is your time worth?
If you spend just ONE unpaid day designing training and you charge £1000 per day for your services, that’s £1000 you’ve missed out on (because you COULD have spent that time, training, coaching or facilitating rather than sitting at your keyboard).
I’m not going to suggest that you will ever get to a point that you need NO design time for a new workshop. Design is essential and there’s a lot to it – a lot more than creating a few slides! But using ChatGPT in conjunction with following good training practice can save you an awful lot of time without compromising quality.
So in the Save Time with AI Assisted Training Design Course, I show you exactly how to incorporate ChatGPT into the training design process so you can get your evenings and weekends back AND make more money!
It’s NOT about tech. It’s about good training practice and it takes a pick and mix approach so you can get value from it IMMEDIATELY.
The cost of the course is tiny compared to the amount of money you can save (or make) by NOT wasting days on unpaid training design.