Like many people, I grow a few vegetables. I’m very much a dabbler, so I have mixed success (though the cucumbers are doing PARTICULARLY well this year).
Last night I realised we hade no veg for tea, so I had to decide whether to go to the shop, or start eating what we’d grown. This broccoli was a good contender.
But was it ready?
If I left it another week, would it be better?
But if I didn’t pick it now, would it spoil?
Deciding when something is ready to be used can be quite tricky. And of course the same is true of training design. However long we have to design it (1 day or 3 months) is however long it takes, and there’s often no definite end. An ex-colleague of mine (who was an excellent designer) said that although she loved design and (like me) it was the biggest part of her job, she enjoyed delivery because a day was a day. You start at 9.00, you finish at 5.00 and you got done what you got done. Not true with design!
So there comes a point when you have to call it, because you can ALWAYS find a better example, a better picture for your slides, and extra fact to include. But there comes a point when the extra work you’re doing doesn’t add any real value, so when do you say “It’s done”?
When I designed commercially, it helped to focus the mind. I would allow myself 3 days to design a workshop (I got paid for that) and then up to a day to polish, fine-tune and embellish. This was unpaid, but I did it out of professional pride. But because it was unpaid, I limited it to a day.
So here’s my “Is it done?” checklist. Have you got:
- A detailed session plan?
- Well crafted exercises that are clearly explained and linked to the content?
- Attractive (visual) slides to support the session?
- Handouts, case studies and role plays (if relevant) on a template?
- Comprehensive delegate materials for them to take away?
- Appropriate pre and post-course work?
- and have you had everything proof-read and (if appropriate) checked by a subject matter expert?
If so, it’s done. It may benefit from a bit of refinement and polish, but it’s done – so limit the extra time you sepnd, and use it wisely.
And just in case you’re wondering, I did pick the broccoli, and it was DELICIOUS!