We find Jamboard is one of the most simple and versatile tools in virtual training. Easy to set up (when you know how!), intuitive to use, requires no registration, makes it past almost all firewalls, allows anonymous contributions and can be saved as a pdf to be shared after the event.
It’s basically your virtual post-it note/flipchart activity… and it’s FREE!!!
Here’s a quick guide to setting one up so that it is shareable AND editable during a virtual session WATCH NOW
The only downside with Jamboards is that they are pretty plain. So if you want to add a background image, grid for people to populate or table for them to complete, you need to create it separately and add it as a picture. Here’s how I do it using PowerPoint. WATCH NOW
During March 2021, we held an EXPLORE session looking at how to use it and discussing tips and techniques for using it well in a session. You can watch the recording here…
And Soozi Parker very kindly shared this ‘home screen’ for a Jamboard so you can easily show your delegates how to navigate it.
You MUST ‘Make a copy’ which you do via the menu which is the 3 dots to the left of the blue share button. Otherwise you will mess up Soozi’s version!!