Welcome to this Planning Training Module. It has been designed with a practical focus, so that you can work through the sections in real time to plan a training event of your own.
At various points, you will be prompted to go and work on your own event. This allows you to apply the learning immediately, meaning you will get the most value from the course. If you don’t have anything to design right now, that’s OK – you can work through the sections at your own pace and then revisit the ones you want to when you do come to design your own learning event.
You will need to set aside around 3 hours to complete the learning – but not all at once! Most sections can be completed in 30 minutes or less.
It’s a video-led course, with a few exercises and practical activities included along the way.
Click play to watch the videos, which appear in sequence.
I hope that you find it useful.
Let me introduce myself and explain a little more about this course…