So many people think that good content makes a good training session. But you can ruin good content if you
Common Mistakes when Designing Training
Most learning and development professionals don't enjoy training design, which is a shame, as without good design, delivery would suffer.
Training Design: Always the Bridesmaid
So many trainers don't bother writing a training session plan, but if you don't, you're taking a huge risk...
What’s your Safety Harness?
Using subject matter experts can be a great way to develop knowledge and skills in others. But it can also
Subject Matter Experts as Trainers
So many trainers and facilitators feel that only THEY can deliver a course. Whilst it's natural to feel attached to
Can you REALLY design training for others to deliver?
One of the biggest reasons that people don't enjoy training design as much as they should, is that they don't
Is it Ready Yet?
As you know, I’m a great believer in doing proper training design before running an event. There are many reasons
Retro Training Design
Forgive me if this is unprofessional, but I'd like to talk to you about my new bra. For all intents
Abreasted Development
Measuring learning transfer is essential for organisations: As L&D practitioners, this is what we have more control over, NOT ROI.
Transferring Learning to the Workplace
I’ve spoken before about by Pump-Action Dandelion Destroyer. (Proper name the Fiskars Xact Weed Puller). It brings me so much
Is this perfect design?
The L&D community has a very specific vocabulary, as all professions do. But (like all professions) we need to speak
Are we hung up on semantics?
Great training doesn't just happen. No matter how good a facilitator you are, you can't magic up an effective training
10 Reasons to Design Training in Detail
It's risky asking other trainers to deliver on your behalf or employing associates: How can they even come close to
Designing Training for Other Facilitators
Induction training is incredibly important, yet is generally given a fraction of the attention that leadership development is. People are
Induction Training – Right First Time
Training design takes longer than people think, so it often gets put off until the last minute or pulled together