This works best face-to-face, and you’ll need a giant Jenga game!
Ask participants to identify any ‘blocks’ that are a barrier to them making better use of their time. They may find it useful to work in pairs. Write down these ‘blocks’ on stickers.
Then, stick the stickers to Jenga Blocks and build a Jenga Tower (make sure the stickers are visible)
Ask participants to suggest what they CAN do to remove these blocks (in full or in part), in particular in relation to the methods suggested for getting out of the Activity Trap. Every time someone presents a good idea, ask them to come to the front and try to remove that block without causing the tower to collapse.
When all blocks have been removed, or the tower has collapsed, summarise with a discussion about how to overcome common time bandits.
Stress that just because you can’t solve something immediately, doesn’t mean to say that you can’t ‘chip away’ at it. Doing something is better than doing nothing.