We all know that learning takes time. Time to digest, time to apply and time to master. We also know that most learning occurs outside of formal learning events (see Jennings for more!) So it makes sense that we need to do much more than design and deliver a brilliant workshop if we want to bring about lasting change.
But L&D often have to take a hands-off approach. And indeed, to be truly successful learners must take responsibility for their own learning. BUT they often lack the direction, the resources and the support.
In a workshop-style event led by mark Williams of GiraffePad, we explored WHY it is so important to extend the learning journey, and some practical ways that we can do that.
If you missed it, watch the recording and see what thoughts we came up with…
Here is the output of the Jamboard exercise
Mark barely mentioned his excellent platform GiraffePad, so please do take a look at it, and request a demo if it’s new to you. It really is an excellent tool to use to make extending the learning journey easy for everyone.
AND I thoroughly recommend listening to the “Learning that Sticks” podcast that Mark hosts. It’s got so many interesting guests, all sharing really practical advice to improve the L&D we create.